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A Case for Kansas, the Heart of America

Writer's picture: LaurieLaurie

Supreme Court of Kansas - Oct. 8, 2022

During this week, I’ve been involved in the Discovery process of finding, and also demanding the evidence or accusation of our enemy against us. The question is:

What is the adversary’s legal right to keep our prayer for righteous governmental decisions in Kansas unanswered? What is the legal resistance?

While I was waiting before the Lord, I kept hearing “Bleeding Kansas. Bleeding Kansas.” I believed the Lord was talking about bloodshed in the land. I began to understand a connection between “bleeding Kansas” and the blood-guiltiness of abortion.

I knew Bleeding Kansas was about the physical shedding of blood during the civil war - blood- shed by both the pro-slavery people and the abolitionist, free-staters. You will hear references in my confession about our ancestors on both sides because both sides engaged in violence and bloodshed. Quantrail’s raid on Lawrence resulted in the Lawrence massacre in which 190 people were killed; that propelled John Brown to start engaging in violence and in promoting violence against pro-slavery enemies. I came across - or “discovered” - John Brown’s final words:

Brown was well read and knew that the last words of prominent people are valued. On the morning of December 2, 1859, Brown wrote and gave to his jailor Avis the words he wanted to be remembered by:

I, John Brown, am now quite certain that the crimes of this guilty land will never be purged away but with blood. I had, as I now think, vainly flattered myself that without very much bloodshed it might be done.

On Oct. 6, Keith sent me a video of Lou Engle, calling for fasting and prayer for godly leadership in each state, inviting all to Communion Colorado on October 8, 2022: In that video, he said these things that caught my attention related to this court case:

“This election season is more important than the election of Abraham Lincoln.” He also said, “You can’t deal with abortion unless you deal with the Native American pain and the African-American pain. When they ruled that Dred Scott was not a human being, God said, 'If you don’t deal with this in your courts, I’m going to deal with it in my courts.' We are coming to a day of reckoning on the issue of race and blood. . . I believe God can give us a revival that washes away the color line in the blood, like Azusa Street. These two great things - race and blood - an outpouring of the Holy Spirit.”

God told me, “No one’s targeting false ideologies with prayer and fasting - there are spiritual powers behind these things that are fueling false concepts and ideologies that shape the future of nations.”

I believe the accuser of the brethren (Rev. 12) is a spirit behind ethnic rising against ethnic, racism, Jew and Gentile. God can pull down the accuser of the brethren and loose something. By the power of his blood we can overcome satan in this season of fasting and prayer.”

The Holy Spirit revealed the issue concisely: the conspiracy of the enemy against the earth is to make sure blood is shed - knowingly or unknowingly - in sacrifice to satan, fueling his power in the earth - he uses violence, occult sacrifices and rituals, and murder, and even threats or declarations of bloodshed.

This is all about the exchange of and for blood - the blood determines the portal and the spiritual activity. The one who controls the portals (the gates) controls the world. Who is called to control or govern the world? We are. This exercise today is about learning to take all the gates of our state. If the governing body in each state does this, which I believe God Himself is orchestrating right now, our nation will quickly turn to righteousness.

This orchestration of the states was confirmed to me through the episode of

Dutch Sheets's Give Him 15, which Vicky sent me on October 7. In that episode, Chuck Pierce and Time Sheets revealed the commissioning of 51 seraphim, one to each state and one to Washington D.C., to affect the decrees of the ekklesia in each state to turn our land to righteousness:

I remember how I questioned God, saying, “We are so far away from what You want. How will we ever catch up?” He said to me, “I have ways of accelerating my will that you cannot imagine.” [He also said to me, “You have no idea what I mean by ‘pour out’” - referencing Joel 2.]

On October 8, 2022, the ekklesia in Kansas, which includes the Upper Room intercessors who have been praying in the Topeka capitol for righteous government for more than 10 years, agreed to appear in God’s court by gathering in the old Supreme Court room in that capitol building.

We entered into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise and worshiped God.

Keith Shrock, whom God used to arrange for this divine appointment, opened the session as BAILIFF:

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! Hear Ye! This court is now in session.

The Honorable Supreme Judge of the Universe presiding:

“The Ancient of Days”

All rise..........(blow Shofar, long blast) (bow down low.)

You may be seated.

Today's case regarding the ruling made by the Kansas Supreme Court on

APRIL 26, 2019 in a 6-1 decision, held in Hodes & Nauser v. Schmidt,

that the state constitution guarantees a right to abortion, will be presented by

Your Prophet Laurie Boyd.

1. The court of heaven begins with us agreeing with our accuser on the way, and repenting of all wrong-doing and all correct accusation, but then we plead the blood of Jesus, which assures us a “Not guilty” verdict from the Judge.

  • Judge, You have said that you hold man accountable for the iniquity of up to four generations before our own, according to Numbers 14, so hold our accuser to your statute of limitations in Your court today, Your honor, and throw out, nullify and annul all accusation he holds against us from before that time. We pray as Moses prayed,

    • 17And now, I beseech thee, let the power of my Lord be great, according as thou hast spoken, saying, 18The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation. 19Pardon, I beseech thee, the iniquity of this people according unto the greatness of thy mercy, and as thou hast forgiven this people, from Egypt even until now.

    • 20And the LORD said, I have pardoned according to thy word: 21But as truly as I live, all the earth shall be filled with the glory of the LORD.

  • Your church has held a form of godliness denying the power to walk in authority for the cause of our Father, God, in the earth, and we repent of all unbelief operating in our lives throughout the past four generations.

  • Your people have blindly trusted in and followed our human government rather than in Your laws and desires. We repent of that today, Your Honor.

  • Your people have allowed and even participated in the sins of godlessness including the sin of abortion / murder for personal gain or relief from responsibility, and the fruit of self-centeredness, self-exaltation, and an antichrist spirit. We repent of that today, Your Honor, Most High God.

  • From The Light and the Glory - “the moral decay of our society - the sexual promiscuity which we scrambled to accommodate through legalized abortion and permissive sex education and ever-more effective birth preventatives. The most significant index of the extent of our moral decay was our very indifference to it.” We renounce and repent of our indifference to our moral decay, and we renounce and repent of the sexual promiscuity and permissive sex education and birth preventatives.

  • We have called evil good and good evil. We repent of this.

  • We have allowed the enemy to steal the value of human life from our hearts; our hearts are deceitfully wicked without You and past understanding, as sin adds to sin in our own lives, our families, and our society. We repent of that today, Your Honor.

  • Your ekklesia has not governed in the earth as You purposed and ordained, and we have perished for lack of knowledge. We repent of that today. We thank You for the revelation that brings us into the manifestation of our sonship and of the dominion You expect us to take - over our own hearts, our land, our cities and states and nations. We sit with You in heavenly places, and we rule and reign with You, according to Ephesians 2:6

  • Your ekklesia has allowed satanic rulers to sit at the gates of our cities. We repent of that today. We have not valued Your voice in and over our lives. We repent of that today. We have not heeded or delighted in Your leadership or sought to please You over all others. We repent of that today. We have sought after and craved other lovers, who do not satisfy and only lead us into darkness. We repent of that today. We have allowed fear to rule us and have been silent in the face of evil. We repent of that today.

  • Some of our ancestors participated in the massacres and bloodshed of the civil war. Some participated in bloodshed of native peoples in our land. More recently, some have participated in violence, murder, occultic sacrifices and rituals, including abortion and trafficing in souls. We renounce and repent of all shedding of blood in our land - Kansas, the midwest, and all of America.

  • We tried to overturn slavery through bloodshed and made our state a bleeding state. We tried to free ourselves and our brothers and sisters through murder. We tried to heal slavery through our human understanding and the might of our own hands. We repent of that today, Your Honor.

  • We renounce John Brown’s final decree over this land in that he meant physical bloodshed must continue in order to “purge away the crimes of this guilty land.” And we embrace and decree that Christ’s blood is what purges away the crimes of this guilty land. We call for the application of the blood of Jesus to our land . . .

  • Any additional prayers of repentance -

2. The presentation of our evidence - evidence that exonerates us -


  • We overcome by the blood of the Lamb, the word of our testimony, and we love not our lives even unto death . . .

  • While we were yet sinners Christ died for us . . .

  • You are faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness . . .

  • You are our only good, Almighty God. You are our God. We are your people. . .

  • You promised to take our hearts of stone and to give us hearts of flesh . . .

  • You came to destroy the works of the evil one; we agree that the works of the evil one be destroyed in Topeka, in Lawrence, in Kansas City, in Emporia, in Wichita, in Manhattan, in all of Kansas, and in the midwest, and throughout America.

  • We put all of Kansas under the blood of the Lamb, Yeshua Hamashiach- the land, the people, the underworld and the atmosphere around us - everything on the earth, under the earth and over the earth, as well as in all places of Your dominion, and in all timelines, past, present, and future.

  • We align with heaven and with Your will and testament, Judge of all; what is more, we trust You to transform us as You have ordained . . .

  • Any additional prayers of evidence for our exoneration -

3. The Verdict: Render to us Your verdict and let Your Comforter deliver to us Your sovereign decisions concerning our petition this day.

When I got to this point in my private prayer time, I heard this line from a song, which is scripture:

I will restore health to you, and heal your wounds. (Jer. 30:17)

The verdict, specifically, for this case is . . . LIFE. Amen.

We stood and lifted the heart of America to God: We present the heart of America to the Lord. It is Yours, God. Take the heart of this nation from us. We want You and need You and welcome You. Dwell in us. Fill America with Your will and Your way. Fill America with righteousness, and with Your presence. For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea (Hab. 2:14).

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