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Counting the Omer . . . to Live a Prophesying Life

Writer's picture: LaurieLaurie

Updated: Mar 28, 2023

Jesus said He came to fulfill all the law and the prophets. As God developed the nation of Israel, He established feasts and convocations for their year through which He has beautifully revealed Himself to all of us. One of these special times of year that the Lord has highlighted to me in my pursuit of Him, and in my preparation as a prophet, is the counting of the omer - the Feast of Weeks that begins with First Fruits.

This year, as the season of the Spring feasts approached, the Lord began speaking to me about hosting or starting a company of prophets in my region. I kept asking Him how and when He wanted this to begin and what would we do together? He reminded me of counting the omer, but this time, the Holy Spirit began to speak about daily manna. He connected the counting of the omer to this activity by reminding me that the measure of manna each person was to gather in the wilderness journey was an omer. Immediately I realized the first assignment for our infant company of prophets is the discipline of sitting before God first thing each morning to gather our daily bread - to read scripture for revelation and to receive His Word to each of us with disciplined obedience. Week by week, we will develop powerful prophetic words to release for His will and purpose.

A few prophets I talk to are interested in meeting with me on Sunday, two days from today, to talk about beginning this company. Just this morning, the Lord led me to a book - all available online, for free - by Watchman Nee, called The Holy Word for Morning Revival. Nowhere in it do I see (as yet) mention of the omer, but it does provide a reading for every day of seven weeks. The Introduction to the book speaks of the daily gathering of manna:

The early morning is the time for us to gather the manna.1 Manna is a type of Christ (John 6:31-35, 48-51, 57-58). As the real manna, Christ was sent by God the Father (v. 32) for God’s chosen people to live by Christ (v. 57).2 Just as manna sustained nearly two million people in the wilderness for forty years, so Christ as the real manna sustains the church today.…On the one hand, the Lord Jesus is “the bread out of heaven”; on the other hand, He is “the bread of God,” the One who came down out of heaven to be our food (John 6:32-33).3

What does it mean to eat the manna? It means to enjoy Christ, to enjoy God’s Word, and to enjoy His truth early in the morning every day. After we eat the manna, we have the strength to journey in the wilderness. The early morning is the time to gather the manna. One will not be fed spiritually or be satisfied if he spends his early morning on other things.

This book provides a reading for every day for seven weeks - a perfect resource for the counting of the omer during the Feast of Weeks. In researching a little about this resource, I discovered that the book derived from a training he led for developing prophets! The first assignment for our just-starting company of prophets is surely curated by the Holy Spirit - so flawlessly and uniquely, prepared years ago - as He so typically operates!

This link will take you to the article about this book - God's provision to His prophets through Watchman Nee: Here is an excerpt:

The first and basic purpose of The Holy Word for Morning Revival is to help the saints to be revived every morning, namely by spending time with the Lord in His holy Word . . . Our being revived every morning enables us to live a prophesying life, which qualifies us to prophesy in the church meetings. Thus, a related purpose of The Holy Word for Morning Revival is to help us learn to prophesy - to speak for the Lord and speak forth the Lord - for the building up of the church."

This link will take you to the actual book on the Watchman Nee website, Living Stream Ministry:

The seven weeks in which we count the omer make up the 49 days between Passover (salvation and deliverance) and Pentecost (the baptism of the Holy Spirit). The 50th day is the Day of Pentecost. (The Father has told me repeatedly, "Pentecost is always explosive!" Counting these days builds anticipation and faith toward an encounter with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.)

"On the fourteenth day of the first month at twilight is the LORD's Passover . . . seven days you must eat unleavened bread. The seventh day shall be a holy convocation; you shall do no customary work on it. And you shall count for yourselves from the day after the Sabbath, from the day that you brought the sheaf of the wave offering: seven Sabbaths shall be completed. Count fifty days to the day after the seventh Sabbath; then you shall offer a new grain offering to the LORD" (Leviticus 23: 5, 6, 8, 15-17).

Days of the Omer for Hebrew Year 5782 begins at sundown on Saturday, 16 April 2022 and ends at nightfall on Saturday, 4 June 2022.

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