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Revelation through the number 67.

Writer's picture: LaurieLaurie

On May 23, 2021, I felt led to visit The Cure, a church my son attended for awhile in Kansas City, Kansas. It was Pentecost Sunday. I had been counting the Omer between Passover and Pentecost as an assignment from God. Every evening, I read Psalm 67, which is 7 verses long, an appropriate reading for the Feast of Weeks.

The pastor's preaching on the day I visited was very inspirational; he even mentioned that he worked hard on the message. What struck me, though, was a huge emphasis by the Holy Spirit on the number 67 throughout the message. I noticed four mentions of 67 within that short amount of time:

  1. I noticed it first of all because I had to look up the church address, and I was very mindful that The Cure is located on 67th Street.

  2. The pastor announced that they had just paved the parking lot, and that it cost some denomination of $67; was it $6700? (The paving of a parking lot carries prophetic significance in itself.)

  3. In the message, the pastor referenced Israel’s 6-day war that took place in 1967.

  4. He even mentioned that he was born in the year 1967.

In searching out the possible meaning of what God might be saying, I found the following interesting connections:

  1. The 6th and 7th verses of Psalm 67 are all about the promised harvests, in which we are obviously laborers;

Then the earth will yield its harvests, and God,

our God, will richly bless us.

Yes, God will bless us,

and people all over the world will fear him.

2. Pentecost is always on the 6th and 7th of the Hebrew month of Sivan.

3. The barley harvest and the wheat harvest occur between Passover and Pentecost

This number (6-to-7) is the number of the transformation of the Bride of Christ: 6 is a

fallen number, the number of man, and 7 is the number of perfection (made possible for us through Jesus’s sacrifice and resurrection, and the indwelling Holy Spirit).

  1. You could say the curse of the Fall and the “stroke of our wound” (Isaiah 30) is cured by transfiguration, “the fullness of the godhead bodily” (Col. 2:9) in God’s people; immortality (overcoming of the last enemy, death) without dying, even physically, is a critical doctrine the Holy Spirit is opening to His leaders during this age. I believe the Lord would like to reveal more of this truth to us in this season of time.

  2. Finally, there are people in the church who are prepared to “sell all for the pearl of great worth” - lay their whole lives down. People need encouragement to do that; the Kingdom costs us everything . . . and it’s worth it.

When we get a nudge by the Holy Spirit to search out the meaning of our daily experience, God's top priority is to teach us how He speaks. The language of God is multifaceted - He speaks in pictures, memories, street addresses, costs of things we buy, dates, scripture (of course), His feasts, names, colors, scores of ballgames, horse races, signs, mileage, feelings and impressions, phrases, book titles, songs, anything and everything.

This experience and interpretation brought me an understanding of God's desire for His harvest. It is much more than great numbers of people "getting saved." He will actually harvest His true ekklesia out of the earth. He will harvest His Bride out of the earth. His CURE will restore the earth in righteousness and peace. His desire and intentions scream out through our prophetic experiences.

In addition to learning how God speaks, I believe the person who digs out this type of revelation is to decree the revelation into the earth. A decree spoken out from this realization might go like this:

Right now, as an act of my will, I decree that God's divine order and desire embodied by the number 67 will come to pass in the earth. Jesus, You alone hold the cure for all of our iniquities, trespasses, sins, and wounds. According to Psalm 67:6 and 7, "The earth will yield its harvests and God, our God will richly bless us. Yes, God will bless us and people all over the world will fear Him." Father, You shall have both the barley harvest (of the church) and the wheat harvest (of the world). You shall have Your true church and Your Bride. You shall have absolute triumph over death, our last enemy.

Is that all we have to do? Actually, we do whatever God leads us to do, but speaking forth a decree of God's revelation to us is effectual work in the Kingdom. In Isaiah 55, God tells us straight up, "I don't work like you work." He goes on to say that He sends His Word to accomplish His purposes. As His sons, that is what we do - we do what we see Him doing.

God used this experience at yet another level in my life. He used it to talk to me about my progress in the spirit realm, and about my increasing authority there. When I first started having encounters in the spirit realm (dreams and visions), I once saw myself as a young boy - about 12 years old, holding a stick as a pretend spear, hanging out in the back of a group of true warriors while they trained for battle. Several months later, I saw myself as a 25-year-old soldier, with a beard. My stick had become a demon-seeking spear - no matter how well I threw it, it would find it's target and impale it, in the spirit realm. It was a supernatural weapon. I was mature enough to use it.

A few months later, I saw myself as a young woman, dressed like Wonder Woman from the 2017 movie. I had been undergoing some turmoil in my personal life, and I saw myself leaning all along the Lord's right side. My eyes were closed, and I was resting. I heard Him say to me, affectionately, "Mighty warrior." The Lord had given me brief visions to see myself as growing in my authority and effectiveness against the enemy in the spirit realm.

During this season, I was introduced to several angelic beings that I believe co-labor with me in my prophetic assignment - one is a sniper, one is called Martin (which means "warlike seeker of truth"), one is a young acrobatic archer.

When I began to search out instances of 67, I researched the 6-day war of 1967 between Israel and Egypt. Israel's armies were greatly outnumbered by Egypt's armies. Israel won that war because of the way they prepared and used their tanks. The tankers in each tank brought them victory - they knew they were out-manned and out-weaponed, so they entered warfare like their lives depended upon it. This spoke to my burgeoning understanding that I begin to facilitate a company of prophets (a tank crew).

The company does operate like a crew, in which each one sees in the direction they are assigned, and then decision are made for research, decrees, prophetic acts, and court cases.

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